Esband-Flatbelts used alternatively

ESBAND Conveyor and Drive Belts are usually used in all kinds of industries and applications.

The ‘Interessengemeinschaft Alpinsport Modellbau’ demonstrated how much more is possible with our belts, by producing a completely funcional model of a Pistenbully.

The IGAM (Interessengemeinschaft Alpinsport Modellbau) is producing  remote-controlled models of snow groomers, operated lifts, snow cannons and  snow blowers, scaled from 1:16 to 1:5.

2011 IGAM started developing the model of the Pistebully PB400 scaled 1:8, using our perforated flatbelts as parts of their chain drive.

For further Information please visit the following homepages:

Homepage of the Model of Pistenbully PB400

Homepage of the IGAM